Over the years of ceaseless efforts to provide innovative and stable solution to physicians and patients, AGNES RF has become one of the most dynamic and innovative developers of the RF energy-based aesthetic and medical treatment system. Developing our own system and treatment protocols, our mission is to provide satisfaction to physicians and the opportunity of success and growth to our partners. Our innovation will continue, and we care for your success and satisfaction.

  • FDA Cleared
  • CE 1370
  • MFDS

Science Behind

AGNES RF Micro-needling Device has been introduced in the global aesthetic practices for minimally invasive dermatological procedures. Aesthetic procedures can be a form of art and through AGNES RF’s incredible preciseness of Polygonal Blade Pin, the freedom to personalize settings, and the concentrated RF delivery, AGNES RF helps users create the best end result.



High Technology

Safety Needle
Checking System

Waveform RF

Target Tissue
Coagulation Function


High Technology

Safety Needle
Checking System

Waveform RF

Target Tissue
Coagulation Function

RF System 1MHz, Monopolar & Skin Booster

Square Form Wave minimizes the deviation of energy to adjacent tissues and maximizes the effectiveness of RF energy delivery.

Safety and Guaranteed Result of Treatment

AGNES RF is equipped with the safety checking system for the Polygonal Blade Pin. The Polygonal Blade protects the epidermis from burning. The length of insulation and needle is the result of anatomical and clinical study of years. Just follow the easy-to-do treatment protocols and the prognostics will always be predictable and manageable.

How AGNES RF is different from others

Agnes Medical has innovated RF energy delivery by developing a Square Wave energy form never seen before in other RF microneedling devices. Most other RF energy based devices use a bell-shaped Sine Wave form. The down ward slope of the curved wave carries residual energy that may potentially burn skin during treatments.

Before & After


Applied EnergyRF(Radiofrequency) – 1MHz
Display10.1 inch LCD touch panel
Dimensions(W)290mm x (D)455m x (H)271.7mm
NeedlePolygonal Blade (disposable)
Wave formSquare wave
Camera1.3 Mega pixel CMOS
Power SupplyAC 100V~250V, 50/60Hz, 280VA
Handpiece Type

Monopolar handpiece, Skin Booster handpiece


Polygonal Blade (9 Types)

There are nine different types of AGNES RF Polygonal Blade, and each class has a different length of insulation for the corresponding specific use. This versatility make AGNES RF a genuinely innovative and unique device that can treat a multitude of areas successfully.

How It Works

There are nine polygonal blades differing in size and amount of insulation. Using the results of multiple clinical studies, the length of insulation on each polygonal blade has been calculated, down to the millimeter, to successfully treat different areas.

Different Polygonal Blade Lengths for Specific Procedures
Type F3A –Polygonal Blade

AGNES RF three-pin F3A Polygonal Blade is engineered so that the non-insulated tip of the blades are able to coagulate the subcutaneous layer (fat) and/or other sub-dermis layers depending on the different angles of insertion. The 2.00mm insulated portion of the blade, closer to the shoulder, protects the outer layer of the skin from thermal energy outputs. The three-pin  blades are designed for skin and fat coagulation to enhance facial volume reduction procedures.

This carefully calculated length and placement of insulation differ on every blade AGNES RF utilizes, giving a wide range of efficient, precise, and safe treatment possibilities.

As illustrated, the areas and length of micro-insulation of the AGNES RF blades have been engineered to protect the outer layers of skin even through different angles of insertion. As the angles of insertion change, the length of penetration changes, allowing the user to coagulate and tighten within different depths of the subcutaneous layer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. The AGNES RF device was originally made to treat skin conditions but now it can also be used to improve the contours of the face.

Exclusive insulation design protects the upper layer of skin from pigmentation in most skin types.

AGNES RF comes with innovative single and three-pin needles that are anatomically designed with varying lengths, shapes, and insulation to precisely target specific facial regions and treatments. The micro-insulated needles deliver concentrated RF energy while protecting the upper dermis, enabling safe and minimally invasive treatments with reduced downtime. AGNES RF can be effectively combined with other facial treatments and target hard-to-reach areas that were previously untreatable, helping to enhance and refine overall results.


Dr. Ahn

Dr.G Clinic
Seoul, South Korea

When I invented AGNES RF, I didn’t expect the indications to expand so much. The colleague doctors are amazing. They develop new treatments and protocols every year. I’m extremely happy to see AGNES RF users in many countries.

Dr. Magovern

Manhattan Dermatology
California, U.S.A

When I saw the AGNES RF device, I instantly knew I had to bring it into our practice. Being able to treat and tighten facial skin and focal fat, non-surgically, has truly transformed our aesthetic practice and elevated our patient outcomes. In addition, the full spectrum of dermatologic uses for a variety of skin treatments is amazing.

Dr. K Charles Kim

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
California, U.S.A

Agnes is one of the most powerful tools a plastic surgeon can have to augment their surgical results. Agnes works well to tighten the residual cervical laxity and reduce the subcutaneous fat. Agnes is the best way to reduce the malar prominence that can result from facelift surgery and is perfect for the residual lower eyelid fat excess after lower blepharoplasty.
